
Ik studeer Nederlands :)

I started my language classes. I go to school 2 times a week - Monday and Friday. Each class is 3 hours of intensive studies. There are about 10 people in the class, all from around Europe - Philippines, Kurdistan, Morocco, Thailand, Peru, Serbia, Burundi. Most of them are required to take the language course either by the employer or somebody else. I am there because I want to learn the language and God made it possible. Classes are really fun and plus as I found out I got the best teacher! Everything is explained in Nederlands and may be only 10% or less is in English. After two classes I can say a lot of things. I could understand a lot before, but now I understand much more. I wanted to talk in Nederlands so much but I didn't know how to construct sentences, now it's becoming more clear. I really enjoy studying the language (this is one of my dreams) and I am looking forward to know more :)


boredik said...

Good for you! I wish you won't lose this passion till the end of studies. Enjoy your study.

Lois Thorpe said...

hey, so if i keep studying German, maybe we can talk to one another in different languages. :) I mean, the Dutch there is almost exactly like German (I think) with spelling differences.

Lena Y. said...

Ja, Nederlands sounds like German and English mixed together :)