
A Call From The Embassy

After one week of waiting for the call from the Embassy we were so exhausted and didn't know what to think and what could be the problem with the official documents from ETF. Couple times we called to the Embassy and heard the same: "We'll call you"... Good thing that by now they knew our names and recognized us when we called.

We continued to pray. Many of our friends prayed for us and we are so thankful for their support! All the time I had this Bible passage in my head and it said so much to me.
"That the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, That they may arise and tell to their children, That they should put their confidence in God And not forget the works of God, But keep His commandments." Psalm 78:6-7
The three things that really touched me is to put our confidence in God, not forget the works of God and keep His commandments. In our situation this was exactly what I needed. Plus I always think what will I tell my children about how God worked in our life.

Today we had a call from the Embassy! Good news! They told us that our Invitation and Scholarship letters are fine and we can bring the rest of our documents to the Embassy on Monday, August 13th. We hope that everything will go smoothly, as God prepared the way.

We appreciate your prayers so much and we knew that you were praying for us!

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